Friday, June 12, 2009

The beginning...

Week 1 (June 8-present)
I decided to use this Blog as a motivational tool for myself. I have started to realize that I am very out of shape! I have always been a big guy...but I have really let myself go. There is not a buffet in town who's ass I have not kicked. Some would say that my best friend over the last 10 years has been Chile con Queso and a bag of tortilla chips. Needless to say...I love to eat and I love to eat food that is not good for me. I have been having trouble doing normal everday life kinds of things and decided to take charge. I weigh 317 lbs (as of 6/8/09). My goal is to weigh 260lbs when we go on our cruise December 26. I think that this is a realistic goal that will require discipline and lots of hardwork. I have started a gym/diet routine before, but I have not been able to follow through in the past. I hope that this blog and weekly pictures of my fat ass will be motivation to stick it out.

The Diet..
Breakfast normally consist of me sleeping for an extra 1o-15 minutes each morning. I usually wake in the morning at the exact time it is necessary for me to be 5 minutes late for work. With that said...I used to never eat breakfast until day 3 of this week. My new breakfast consist of a string cheese stick and a 100cal cup of yogurt. I have been eating this for 3 days now and I think that this breakfast thing is pretty cool!

Lunch has always been tough for me. I used to be starving by lunch time because I never ate breakfast. You could have fed a village in Uganda for two weeks with the amount of food I would eat for lunch. I have been eating Subway for lunch all week. I usually get a footlong turkey or oven roasted chicken breast sandwich. I eat the Italian bread with spicy mustard, no cheese or anything else for that matter. So far I really like eating subway for lunch. If this works, I may apply to be the next Jared or something...only not a douche! I would be like " Hey I used to be a fat ass, then I ate Subways for lunch...Now ladies want to love me longtime!" I think I might be on to something.

Dinner was another meal where I could really do some now you get it...portion sizes as well as unhealthy choices were my problem. So my new dinner meal is as follows. I grill a boneless skinless chicken breast. I then slice it up and put it on a salad that Sara makes for me. The salad has spinach leaves, sliced almonds, strawberry slices, and raspberry vinagerrette (sp). I will at some point post a picture of my meal. The only exception to this is on Tuesday night. Every Tuesday I go to Poppa Rollos for beer and pizza with some buddies of mine. I did however limit myself to two pieces and the beer flowed as normal. At this point I don't want to change this as I really enjoy the group of guys that I go with.

I have also been going to the gym everday after work. My routine for this week has been exercising on the treadmill. I walk for the first 5 minutes to warm up. I then run for 10 minutes, walk for 5 min, run for 5 min, and walk for 5 mins. I actually tweaked this yesterday...I walked 5 min, ran 15 min, walked 5 min, ran for 5 min. I will follow that same plan today and this weekend, unless I feel that I can run for longer period. My goal at this point is to be able to run for 30 min consecutively. I realize that this may not seem very hard for some, but it is kicking my ass. I feel like I really did something at the end of each workout. I will keep upping the ante as I go along. promised I have taken some pictures of my starting self and hope to see a change over time....SO Ladies...this is what you came to see....(drum roll..)